IAM Talking: Loyalty, Engagement and the Game of Mobile with Scott Weller from SessionM

Today, the topic is about Loyalty, Customer Engagement and the Game of Mobile.

Welcome to IAM Talking, a periodic podcast interview series, with your host, Dan Keldsen, Chief Innovation Officer at Information Architected.

Today IAM Talking with Scott Weller, co-founder and CTO of SessionM.

Gamification, game mechanics, compulsion loops, loyalty systems, engagement loops…

What’s the relationship between these terms? What does it do for a company to embrace any or all of these techniques and disciplines? What’s in it for the consumer, customer, or user of mobile applications? Where should you start? What tools are available to make sense of the behavior within applications and interactive advertisements?

Are you looking for a long-term relationship with your customers and your brand, product, or service, and willing to put in the effort to do so, or are you focused purely on the short-term win?

Engagement doesn’t just happen…

Listen in as we dive into one of the hottest areas of intersecting growth right now – the path of mobile apps, analytics, behavior and the bottom line impact to businesses of smarter, measurable engagement.

Are you engaging your customers, or are they running away?

Bottom line, are you ready for what measuring and improving engagement is going to entail?

Comments or Questions?

Wondering how to apply loyalty programs, engagement and customer experience techniques to improve your customer relationships? Can you use similar techniques inside your company? Comment below, and we’ll answer and discuss together.

Listen now!

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