Tag Archive | "Carl Frappaolo"

Flipping Over Content Delivery

July 29, 2010 2 comments

Readers of my work know that one of my more favorite aspects of ECM is content delivery. Along with mobility, the ability to re-purpose modular “chunks” of content in a variety of formats and contexts significantly enhances the value derived from ECM, increases the effectiveness of communication and quite frankly is just plain fun. I […]

Is There Garbage Floating in Your Ocean of Knowledge? Reader Beware

July 12, 2010 17 comments

It has been weeks since I blogged, or even Tweeted on a regular basis. Where have I been?  Dan and I are on the road, consulting on a very complex, grand and most interesting ECM project.  A Fortune 100 company that remains successful and growing in spite of the economy, has managed to achieve such […]

E2.0 With FAME Will Come Obscurity

June 22, 2010 2 comments

Last week the Enterprise 2.0 Conference was held right here in my hometown, Boston MA.  As usual, the E2.0 community was abuzz with Twitter (#e2conf).  But, now, with the show a happy memory, many of us attendees reflect more deeply than 140 characters allows, in our blog posts.  The blogosphere is ripe with conference coverage. […]

2.0 is a Balancing Act, “Oh Really”

May 27, 2010 1 comment

It’s likely you have been following the pressure Facebook has been getting concerning its privacy policies.  The pressure seems to be working, as Facebook recently announced it will change its approach to privacy and make it easier for users to protect their personal data. This has been an on going battle.  I first commented on […]

Building an ECM Strategy Webinar Follow-up

April 27, 2010 5 comments

Two  weeks ago I spoke on a webinar hosted by SpringCM.  My presentation focused on how to take a structured and methodical approach to defining and executing an ECM strategy. You can download the slides I used slides below, and/or if you prefer listen to the recorded webinar here. ECM Strategy Development View more presentations […]

What Enterprise 2.0 Practitioners Should Know About KM Deployments

April 23, 2010 5 comments

About a decade ago Knowledge Management (KM), was the focus of business and technology leaders alike.  But after only a few years in the limelight, KM all but disappeared.  Still smoldering, however, knowledge management morphed, to a series of related applications, technologies and practices.  Among these are/were portals, intranets, BI, collaboration and two that are […]

Holy Crap – Now That’s Innovation

April 22, 2010 No comments yet

Look around – is there waste in your organization? Is it time, paper, bits of plastic, scraps of wood, nuclear active material …? Of course there is waste , and often projects are focused on eliminating or minimizing waste – of all kinds. What do you do with it? Carefully dispose of it? Recycle? How […]

Why the iPad Matters – Its the Beginning of the End

April 6, 2010 6 comments

Even if you are not a techie or ECMer,  it would have been hard to miss all the marketing and press that has surrounded the iPad lately.  Numerous articles have weighed in on whether or not Apple will be a success both long and short term, what this means to Amazon, etc. Relevant? yes. Interesting? […]

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

March 31, 2010 No comments yet

Have you ever watched the TV show, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Adults subject themselves to humiliation – demonstrating how their intelligence – measured by their ability to answer questions on a variety of topics, does not match that of a group of 5th graders.  Well, last Saturday I witnessed something even far […]

Q&A: Extending SharePoint in the Cloud Webinar

March 15, 2010 6 comments

On February 23, 2010, I was a featured speaker on the SpringCM webinar entitled “Making SharePoint Work.”  The slides from the presentation can be found here. SharePoint Extending into the Cloud View more presentations from Carl Frappaolo. Additionally you can listen to the archive of the webinar. In the webinar, I reference a survey and […]

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“Dan and I served on the SANS GIAC Advisory Board where his knowledge and insight into security and organizational issues were keenly appreciated.”
by Stuart Berman, Security Architect Steelcase Inc.


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