Tag Archive | "content governance"

eDiscovery Lessons Learned from the BP Crisis

November 19, 2010 No comments yet

Editor’s Note: This post is a featured guest post by one of our IAI University Partners, Barry Murphy from the eDiscoveryJournal. There is a great article from Christy Burke of Burke & Company about the eDiscovery disaster that could arise from the BP oil spill. Christy’s article is detailed and comprehensive – a must-read for anyone wondering about […]

What is Information Governance?

September 2, 2010 5 comments

Editor’s Note: This post is a featured guest post by one of our IAI University Partners, Barry Murphy from the eDiscoveryJournal. There’s a new category called “information governance” (Editor note: which may variously be called “content governance” or “enterprise content governance“) springing up in the marketplace. With terms like information management, records management, and enterprise […]

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