Even if you are not a techie or ECMer, it would have been hard to miss all the marketing and press that has surrounded the iPad lately. Numerous articles have weighed in on whether or not Apple will be a success both long and short term, what this means to Amazon, etc. Relevant? yes. Interesting? […]
Collaboration – it’s all the rage, and to some it is “new.” Yet for any project, whether it is assembling a sales proposal in response to a Request For Proposals (RFP), to the collaboration and coordination necessary to build an aircraft carrier, or any size or style of collaboration in between, there are several questions […]
Yesterday I tweeted (@carlfrappaolo) about a Boston Globe on ECM search company, Endeca. I was going to let it go at that; congratulations Endeca for getting the attention of the Sunday Globe and for having the popular press cover the fact that search is more than just findability and Google, that search can be used […]
More than once I have blogged on the emergence of ECM as a specialized obscure practice within techno-geeks into the limelight of critical business applications. In my last blog post (“ECM It was the Best of Times, it Was the Worst of Times) I discussed how according to popular news sources, ECM was responsible for […]
Information Architected Market Alert (IAM Alert): Google has been resting on it’s laurels (simple/streamlined search) and primary revenue stream (AdWords) for far too long, it would seem. Introduced last week at the Google I/O developer’s conference is their latest entree the “Google Wave” offering (see preview announcement of Google Wave at Google). (Note: This offering […]