Tag Archive | "law"

It Ain’t the Medium Its the Message or – Its the Content that Counts

July 8, 2009 4 comments

In 1964, Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase ” The medium is the message.”  I have often quoted McLuhan in my writings and presentations, in agreement.  But, I fear far too many take his message the wrong way, which can and has lead to serious repercussions. Yesterday I was watching to a video podcast interview between […]

IAM Talking: Death to the Billable Hour, Long Live Knowledge!

April 30, 2009 12 comments

Is the legal industry ready to change their standard practices in billing, particularly given the economic climate of 2008-2009 and at least the short-term future? If they do change that model, will it least, or go back to “business as usual” when the economic smoke has cleared? Knowledge = precedent = expertise. Why not efficiency […]

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