Tag Archive | "web 2.0"

Creative Mobile Hiring Pitch

May 2, 2011 No comments yet

I’ve been busy writing a series of articles for CMSWire on mobile strategy, and as a result have been even more hyper-tuned into interesting mobile approaches. It’s not just for companies however – I recently stumbled (via Mashable) onto a combination paper resume, QR Code, Mobile and Video Pitch by a fellow looking to intern […]

2.0 is a Balancing Act, “Oh Really”

May 27, 2010 1 comment

It’s likely you have been following the pressure Facebook has been getting concerning its privacy policies.  The pressure seems to be working, as Facebook recently announced it will change its approach to privacy and make it easier for users to protect their personal data. This has been an on going battle.  I first commented on […]

What Enterprise 2.0 Practitioners Should Know About KM Deployments

April 23, 2010 5 comments

About a decade ago Knowledge Management (KM), was the focus of business and technology leaders alike.  But after only a few years in the limelight, KM all but disappeared.  Still smoldering, however, knowledge management morphed, to a series of related applications, technologies and practices.  Among these are/were portals, intranets, BI, collaboration and two that are […]

Meet Your Mobile Virtual Assistant

March 24, 2010 1 comment

The Content Convergence Continues! As computing power increases, “mashable” and findable data/content grows, GPS shrinks, partnerships and individual innovation explore, and it all comes together in the form of a handheld device like the iPhone, Blackberry, and myriad Androids being rolled out on a weekly basis, we continue to see the rise of applications that […]

Move Over Nielsen and Make Way for ECM

February 2, 2010 1 comment

Yesterday I tweeted (@carlfrappaolo) about a Boston Globe on ECM search company, Endeca. I was going to let it go at that; congratulations Endeca for getting the attention of the Sunday Globe and for having the popular press cover the fact that search is more than just findability and Google, that search can be used […]

Making Blogs More Transparent Angers Bloggers – Huh?

December 1, 2009 8 comments

An article in today’s Boston Globe, reports that a new regulation will compel bloggers to disclose any affiliations or gifts they have received. As Web 2.0 matures, it will be more regulated. This is an issue I have blogged and spoken about many times before.  But what makes this article even more interesting to me […]

Nothing Virtual About Virtual Distance

November 20, 2009 No comments yet

Today I had the great fortune to attend the Center for Information Management Studies (CIMS) program at Babson College.  I almost didn’t go – having just returned from the Enterprise 2.0 conference, I was feeling a bit “full” of talk on collaboration and technology. But luckily three things coerced me into attending. 1. The event […]

IT meets KM meets E2.0 meets Innovation in the Boston Subway

October 6, 2009 No comments yet

Yesterday I was preparing for an Innovation Management training session I will be doing later this week. The sponsor, after reviewing my credentials asked “How you make the leap from information and knowledge management to coaching/developing innovation skills?  … Your background seems to be IT.” I provided what I hope was not too lengthy a […]

Innovation is Not Serendipity or Discovery

October 5, 2009 1 comment

Last Friday’s cover of the Boston Metro proclaimed “ How recession is forcing creativity in entertainment.” It’s an interesting article on how the current economy mixed with the advent of Web 2.0 is affecting the entertainment industry, but the title held a different appeal for me. Serendipitously, I am working on IAI’s soon to be […]

Like Fine Wine, Enterprise 2.0 Gets Better With Age

September 11, 2009 21 comments

In 2008, Dan Keldsen and I published on behalf of AIIM, a groundbreaking report on Enterprise 2.0. One of the more startling and fundamental facts that we uncovered was that age did not matter as much as folks thought, as it relates to the adoption of Enterprise 2.0. In fact it really didn’t matter at […]

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“I was in a couple of Dan's sessions at the Boston AIIM Expo. I was inspired with the social networking for business. Frankly, I have been ignoring it, but now plan on getting my LinkedIn updated and other social resources ready to transfer into the business! Dan is a wealth of information on the subject. His depth of knowledge shows in his presentations.”
by Mark Carlson, Director of IT Systems & Methods, Inc


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