Proven One-Day Innovation Workshop

Luck is for Losers…

Join Over 5,000 Business Professionals Who Have Stacked The Innovation Deck in Their Favor

“I need people to be less risk adverse, I need them to rattle the cage, challenge what we do and look for new ways to do things.” – John Draper, Senior VP marketing for Mead Consumer Products

Orange Apple

Does YOUR organization have the innovation skills it needs to compete?

Creativity and innovation do not come easily. In fact, most adults (approx. 95%) believe they’ve lost the ability to innovate entirely, especially those that are not directly in “creative professions” like marketing or product design.

  • If you believe you (your boss, or your team) cannot innovate effectively, then please, keep reading, you’ve been brainwashed, but help is on the way!
  • If you believe you can innovate, but want more innovation and more predictable innovation results, then keep reading. You can easily unleash an innovation explosion and maintain and sustain your innovation capability.

If the wavering economy has shown anything, it’s that you cannot afford to give up on innovation.

The status quo is gone… dead or dying… and if you don’t take action, your job, organization and perhaps entire industry will be too, if you do not significantly increase the rate and quality of innovation in your organization.

But how do you accelerate innovation in your organization?

Whether setting the bar as the leader in your market, or challenging your competitors, your people are the single greatest asset of your business, and the good news is that innovation can be jump-started or rebooted in any organization. It is a skill set that can be taught and practiced.

Unfortunately, the tools and skills are not typically taught at any level of education, and certainly not in “normal daily business.”

Most business professionals are fighting an innovation war without training, skills, tools and proper mindsets.

That’s not a winning formula, by anyone’s definition, is it?

Give your people the innovation tools they need, applicable to any industry or geography, in a single, action-packed day of training that may well be the most useful training they have ever taken.

Request a 30 Minute Innovation AssessmentCall 617-936-8176 to schedule an innovation assessment

The Innovation Workshop delivers Three Key outcomes

  • Every attendee is transformed into a ‘world-class innovator’… in just 1 day
  • Guaranteed to improve your problem solving & meeting productivity by a minimum of 25%
  • The most practical & invigorating day of education you have had in 10 years

… building skills that every business needs, including:

  • Creative problem solving and critical thinking skills to generate many solutions and implement the best of the best
  • Understanding how to scientifically assemble the most effective innovation teams for any given problem
  • The ability to rapidly adapt to changes forced by competitors, economic changes, cost reduction concerns and increased revenue targets
  • The self-confidence to solve challenging business problems rapidly, as individuals AND as empowered innovation teams

The Challenge of Change

Today’s business climate is changing everything, everywhere. Successfully managing an enterprise challenges even the best of business leaders.

A highly motivated team whose assets include world-class creative and critical thinking skills, informed risk taking, seamless teamwork, light-speed communications capability and the ability to react quickly and decisively to any business problem is in essence a team with the perfect mix of street savvy and mental agility.
Team Brainstorming

The Innovation Workshop shows your organization how to think creatively and proactively innovate in order to address the challenges that come from:

  • Increasing global competition
  • Accelerating rates of change
  • Increasing complexity and the inability to predict trends
  • An unprecedented focus on quality and customer service
  • Dramatic and unknown threats that can completely change the playing field

The Agenda – Take a Day to Innovate

The concepts taught at the Innovation Workshop are practical, easy to understand and apply, energizing and memorable. Workshops are typically one to two days for 12 to 50 people, and everyone can benefit, from C-level executives to brand new employees.

Request a 30 Minute Innovation AssessmentCall 617-936-8176 to schedule an innovation assessment

The workshop has six key components:

  • Assessment of each participants problem solving & decision making style preferences
  • Best practices in establishing effective problem solving teams
  • 5 creative idea generation tools
  • 5 objective and targeted decision making tools
  • Instant challenges that require you to think-on-your-feet and under pressure
  • Case Studies that apply what you have learned immediately

Innovation Assessments

Assessing problem solving ‘style’ preferences uses a powerful, proven online tool called VIEW, that has been used by over 20,000 professionals around the world, that helps you better understand your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to being innovative.
The assessment is incredibly useful, both from an individual standpoint, as well as in understanding how to put together the best team for specific problems, based on the strengths of the team members. Smarter team creation is not only possible, but repeatably and demonstrably so.

The workshop also shows you ways to dramatically improve your problem solving/innovation team mix and chemistry… with proven results.

Expand Your Innovation Toolkit

Expanding your problem solving ‘toolkit,’ from simple brainstorming, to a suite of 10 generating and focusing tools, each using hands-on, contemporary case studies to show how quickly these tools can be applied in your workplace.

Challenge Yourself, Challenge Your Team… and Learn the Tools, Hands-on!

The class also tackles a number of ‘Instant Challenges,’ short ‘vignette’ problems that require creativity, teamwork, and the ability to ‘think-on-your-feet’… all with important business/life lessons.

Best Practices, Worst Practices, War Stories

In addition, the class instructor also shares numerous ‘live’ references/case studies which help reinforce the discussion, and leave everyone with the confidence and practical experience to take what they have learned back to their workplace.

An extended option

  • A second day (optional) is used to apply the knowledge and experience you have gained to live/real ‘in-house’ problems, to give you hands-on experience in using the tools, and also show you just how powerful and quickly they can address key issues/needs, even those that have been around for years.

Proven tools and techniques

Using a number of proven tools and techniques, our team will help engage your organization to:

  • Better understand how your employees manage change. Each of us approaches a challenge differently. You will learn both your individual and group style preferences when solving problems and how to better leverage success in a team environment.
  • Optimize your problem-solving resources and teams by using your personal style preferences in the most effective ways. Everyone can learn how to generate ideas and then focus on solutions that will lead to better products and services.
  • Learn and implement several different problem-solving tools that can be used to generate ideas and focus options that will give your organization the right balance of knowledge creation, management, climate, and creativity.

Information Architected teaches corporate Innovation and Creative Problem Solving in fast-paced and fun workshops. These sessions are held on site at your location, structured as half, one, or two day sessions of 12 to 50 people, incorporating a mix of sound research and practical content.

Hands-On and Minds-On

Every workshop is ‘hands-on’ and ‘minds-on,’ engaging participants in fun and relevant situations that are immediately transferable to the workplace.

Partial list of participants in the Innovation Workshop

  • State of Vermont
  • Naval War College – Strategic Studies Group
  • Enterprise 2.0 Conference (TechWeb)
  • Velcro USA
  • Kellogg’s
  • Univ of Tennessee Center for Executive Education
  • Fish & Richardson
  • IBM Canada (Consulting Division)
  • FedEx
  • Parker Hannifin (Aerospace)
  • Performance Coaching
  • British Columbia Ministry of Employment & Income Assistance
  • Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
  • Eastman Chemical
  • Buckeye Industries
  • Deloitte (Canada)
  • General Electric (GE)
  • Hewlett-Packard (HP)
  • Sun Microsystems
  • PepsiCo
  • Halliburton (Scotland)
  • Time Warner
  • Wells Fargo Bank
  • Lockheed Martin
  • US Navy
  • Dialogic
  • Oakridge Labs
  • Univ of Tennessee School of Business
  • Univ of Denver School of Business
  • Rice University School of Business
  • Methanex
  • Colorado Performance Excellence (Baldridge)

Limited Time Offer – Schedule a time to take the VIEW Innovation Assessment (Normally $150 as part of the course) for up to Two People in Your Organization

Next Steps? Schedule a Free 30-Minute Innovation Assessment

Request a 30 Minute Innovation AssessmentCall 617-936-8176 to schedule an innovation assessment

Sample Organizations That Have Used Our Services:


“On behalf of the CNO's Strategic Studies Group, thank you for leading our exceptionally informative and enjoyable Innovation Workshop. Your contagious enthusiasm and clear command of the subject helped us learn more about the process of innovation and about ourselves as members of this newly formed team.”
by James R. Hogg, Admiral, U.S. Navy (Ret)

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Organizations That Have Used Our Services Include:
