
Information Architected is focused on helping our customers develop methods for the intelligent use of their corporate content, knowledge and business processes to foster innovation and be better positioned for success in todays highly interactive, socially driven markets.

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In The News


Our experience began in the early days of information systems, with the advent of imaging and full-text retrieval systems, through the emergence of the web and corporate portals, and extends into todays current trends and challenges in securing content in a web-based, flattened, highly collaborative business environment.

Our founders have over two decades of experience and industry recognition as experts and thought leaders in facilitating the successful creation and implemention of business strategies that leverage the leading technologies and business practices including:

We have worked with the Who’s Who in virtually every industry including: (View a listing of all our clients or select a targeted industry)

Sample Organizations That Have Used Our Services:


“"Thank you for leading our exceptionally informative and enjoyable Innovation Workshop. Your contagious enthusiasm and clear command of the subject helped us to learn more about the process of innovation ..."”
by James R. Hogg, Admiral, U.S. Navy (Ret)

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Organizations That Have Used Our Services Include:
