Enterprise 2.0: From the Horse’s Mouth

Enterprise 2.0 Conference (logo)And we’re just back from San Francisco, where we could be found doing a half-day Innovation Workshop “Going the Last 9 Yards of Enterprise 2.0,” a session on Findability “How Search 2.0 Has Been Redefined by Enterprise 2.0,” a session on Culture and Change “Can Enterprise 2.0 Crack the Knowledge Management Culture Barrier?” and not least, a center stage keynote “Enterprise 2.0: Straight from the Horses’ Mouths.”

The video from the keynote was streamed live, but appears not to have hit the archive yet – great to have had a chance to reprise our keynoting skills with a variation from our keynote in June 2008.

While we await a pointer to the captured video from November 2009, below we have provided both the intro video before we walked onstage (which went over quite well, thanks again to Wayne Kurtzman for the voice-over work), and which we’ve received a number of requests to post publicly – embed/tweet/spread as you will, and thank you to the live audience for your indulgence in running (galloping?) with the horse theme of the keynote.

And if you did not have a chance to watch the keynote live, below are the slides we had presented, highlighting some of the most shocking/intriguing of the statistics in the research work we have done with The 2.0 Adoption Council – a consortium of over 100 organizations representing the best of the best, and the largest of the Enterprise 2.0 projects that have been deployed around the world.

Without our voiceover from the conference, the findings likely beg some explanation as we had 20 minutes to hit the highlights and dive into the major issues found in IT Resistance, Management Resistance and User Resistance experienced by the 2.0 Adoption Council members in this research project.

Any questions while we await the audio/video from the show?

Comment away, and we will see what we can do to continue the conversation post-conference.

What resistance have YOU found in your organization, and how did you overcome it?

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