Knowledge Management Consulting

Information Architected’s consultants have advised many of the world’s largest organizations and government agencies on how to maximize the ROI and effectiveness on their Knowledge Management practice.

Our KM Consulting Services Include:

  • Knowledge Audit
  • Needs Assessment
  • Readiness Assessment
  • Benchmarking of the Current-state of KM in Your Organization
  • Gap Analysis and Change Management Strategy
  • Personalized Solution Definition and Implementation Plan

Why Our KM Advisory Services are so Critical

Perhaps no other business practice holds more promise, but is more misunderstood and complex than Knowledge Management (KM).  KM is is not a process, a business strategy or a technology.  KM is all of these, strategically aligned and orchestrated in support of specific goals and objectives. It is an ecosystem that, when done correctly, can yield increased knowledge sharing/collaboration and retention of corporate know-how, in order to maximize responsiveness and expedite innovation.

Some industry pundits have declared KM dead, or have declared that it has been replaced by emerging technologies, such as Enterprise 2.0. Nothing is further from the truth. In fact, without a solid appreciation for and strategy for KM in your organization, your ability to leverage emerging new technologies and increase the rate of innovation is seriously impeded.

But the challenge of KM is multi-faceted and complex. KM requires understanding of and coordination between management, processes, technology, culture, team strategy, organizational structure, corporate and interpersonal communication styles,  among  other business issues.  KM strategies must balance the needs of the knowledge seeker and the knowledge provider,  recognize the difference between what is tacit and what is explicit, and deliver real business value.

Our Consultants Can Provide Targeted Advice on How You Can:

  • Establish a corporate KM strategy
  • Align technology, corporate culture, processes and business strategy  within a KM framework
  • Maximize capture of corporate knowledge and minimize “brain drain”
  • Increase the rate of and maximize the return from Communities of Practice (COPs)
  • Align personnel management and development to support KM initiatives

Call 617-933-2584 or submit a request for a free 30 minute consultation

Our ECM Consulting Services Are Time and Cost Effective

We work with your team to develop a customized strategy and implementation plan for ECM.  Our consulting is cost and time effective, because we apply a set of time-proven methodologies that provide focus and velocity to each client engagement. These include:

KM Auditor

The KM Auditor is a modular and flexible methodology specifically designed to execute knowledge audits in an organizational setting.  KM Auditor emphasizes the importance of developing a precise and personal understanding of the business and user requirements for knowledge management.  The key benefit of this approach is the unique perspective it offers of the complete impact of knowledge management from the vantage point of business practice, interpersonal networks/communication patterns, knowledge resources and technology infrastructure. It sets the stage at an enterprise level for business goals, user expectations and technology issues, and  takes a holistic view of the KM project, gathering and appreciating enterprise-wide basic needs, expectations and constraints. The KM Auditor results in a benchmark that will serve as a measure by which your organization can continue to assess its internal progress toward its knowledge management objectives.  The KM Auditor is an interactive methodology that immediately gets your community  involved in shaping the personalized KM strategy of the organization.

KM Practice Framework and  BizTech Grid

The KM Framework and BizTech Grid  provide a structured approach to mapping user and organizational needs into four specific categories of KM functionality, identify best fits for your organization and plot the ability to leverage technology investments across business areas, thus maximizes the return on your KM investment.

Enterprise KM Strategy Document

The Enterprise KM  Strategy Document is the culmination of our consulting and analysis. It identifies your organizations Km strengths and challenges, and provides a short-term, mid-term and long-term strategy for establishing a world-class KM practice specifically within your organization.  It defines the scope of your ECM practice and the processes and roles required for ongoing management and growth.

Though no two implementations will be exactly the same, there are critical best practices to implementation that should be followed.  Information Architected provides the guidance and methodologies necessary to ensure the success of your KM initiative.

Call 617-933-2584 or submit a request for a free 30 minute consultation

Can We Help You?

  • Have past attempts at knowledge management under performed or failed?
  • Does your organization suffer from the loss of experiential and practical knowledge due to staff turn over and retirement?
  • Do you need to increase the rate of collaboration and knowledge exchange in order to drive faster and consistent responses and better decision making?
  • Is your organization confused between knowledge management and information management?
  • Need to reconcile KM with corporate HR policies?
  • Do you need to maximize the value derived from your organization’s intellectual capital?
  • Are you having trouble determining the impact that KM will have on the organization – culturally, procedurally, technically?

If You answer Yes to any of these questions – then Information Architected can provide the assistance you need.

If you are tired of the unapproachable, expensive, “ivory tower” consultants and analysts of the world, or the integrators who only promote the solution they resell, we are the antidote to provide realistic, affordable and relevant strategic solutions for your business needs.

Next Steps? Schedule a Free 30-Minute Consultation

Call 617-933-2584 or submit a request for a free 30 minute consultation

Sample Organizations That Have Used Our Services:


“Dan conducted a workshop on taxonomy development and maintenance and I found him to very knowledgeable about the subject. He was able to use real world examples to help his audience understand the concepts he was trying to convey.”
by Alan Slutsky, Senior Systems Engineer Inxight Software

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Organizations That Have Used Our Services Include:
