Tag Archive | "Content Delivery"

Flipping Over Content Delivery

July 29, 2010 2 comments

Readers of my work know that one of my more favorite aspects of ECM is content delivery. Along with mobility, the ability to re-purpose modular “chunks” of content in a variety of formats and contexts significantly enhances the value derived from ECM, increases the effectiveness of communication and quite frankly is just plain fun. I […]

Is There Garbage Floating in Your Ocean of Knowledge? Reader Beware

July 12, 2010 17 comments

It has been weeks since I blogged, or even Tweeted on a regular basis. Where have I been?  Dan and I are on the road, consulting on a very complex, grand and most interesting ECM project.  A Fortune 100 company that remains successful and growing in spite of the economy, has managed to achieve such […]

Why the iPad Matters – Its the Beginning of the End

April 6, 2010 6 comments

Even if you are not a techie or ECMer,  it would have been hard to miss all the marketing and press that has surrounded the iPad lately.  Numerous articles have weighed in on whether or not Apple will be a success both long and short term, what this means to Amazon, etc. Relevant? yes. Interesting? […]

Move Over Nielsen and Make Way for ECM

February 2, 2010 1 comment

Yesterday I tweeted (@carlfrappaolo) about a Boston Globe on ECM search company, Endeca. I was going to let it go at that; congratulations Endeca for getting the attention of the Sunday Globe and for having the popular press cover the fact that search is more than just findability and Google, that search can be used […]

IT meets KM meets E2.0 meets Innovation in the Boston Subway

October 6, 2009 No comments yet

Yesterday I was preparing for an Innovation Management training session I will be doing later this week. The sponsor, after reviewing my credentials asked “How you make the leap from information and knowledge management to coaching/developing innovation skills?  … Your background seems to be IT.” I provided what I hope was not too lengthy a […]

IAM ALERT: Crawford Technologies Provides Content Delivery for the Visually Impaired

February 3, 2009 No comments yet

Information Architected Market Alert (IAM Alert): Crawford Technologies announced the availability of a service to provide transactional documents for visually impaired customers in alternate formats. Crawford Technologies uses existing customer communications data to produce the requisite alternative formats for its clients’ visually impaired customers. This is a clear example of how intelligent content delivery technology […]

IAM Alert: ECM Blooms Amidst New England Ice Storm

January 14, 2009 6 comments

Information Architected Market Alert (IAM Alert): Last Thursday, amidst freezing temperatures and a New England ice storm, OpenText held its annual analyst briefing in Boston – and ECM was “In Bloom” – I’ll explain. The session began with the expected, chest pounding regarding OpenText’s financial strength and impressive string of acquisitions. Tom Jenkins, Chief Strategy […]

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by Brett Schklar, Director of Product & Market Solutions Q1 Labs


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