Tag Archive | "ONA"

Using Organizational Network Analysis (ONA)

August 7, 2012 2 comments

Featured post by Information Architected Consulting Partner, Patti Anklam. Organizational network analysis (ONA) uses a subset of methods developed for social network analysis (SNA), a methodology for collecting information about connections among entities (usually people), developing visual representations of the relationships of those connections and applying mathematical analyses to understand patterns and derive insights. ONA […]

Leadership and Networks

January 4, 2011 1 comment

Editor’s Note: This post is a featured guest post by one of our IAI University Partners, Patti Anklam of Net Work. In the concluding chapter of my book, Net Work, I focused on “The Leader’s Net Work.”  From reading about and talking to leaders of networks, I arrived at the following set of prescriptions: Network […]

Link, Look, Learn – at Social Objects

September 24, 2010 1 comment

Editor’s Note: This post is a featured guest post by one of our IAI University Partners, Patti Anklam of Net Work. A former Digital/Compaq colleague, Bob Fleischer sent me a link to Jyri Engeström’s blog entry, Why some social network services work and others don’t — Or: the case for object-centered sociality, which provides an interesting perspective on […]

Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Value Networks

September 8, 2010 1 comment

Editor’s Note: This post is a featured guest post by one of our IAI University Partners, Patti Anklam of Net Work. I was doing fact checking when writing Net Work and wanted to confirm the timeline for the work on intellectual capital and knowledge management. I discovered a short history of the idea of intellectual and its […]

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