Tag Archive | "Strategy"

Can’t Deny a Cloudy Future

December 14, 2010 No comments yet

A Quick Cloud Prod What exactly is the mental/cultural/political barrier for adoption of cloud computing and SaaS-based solutions? It should no longer be technical barriers – nor cost – nor reliability – so what’s the disconnect? Think about it… Most companies do not own and manage (without third party suppliers/partners – the “analog” to cloud […]

Is There Garbage Floating in Your Ocean of Knowledge? Reader Beware

July 12, 2010 17 comments

It has been weeks since I blogged, or even Tweeted on a regular basis. Where have I been?  Dan and I are on the road, consulting on a very complex, grand and most interesting ECM project.  A Fortune 100 company that remains successful and growing in spite of the economy, has managed to achieve such […]

Building an ECM Strategy Webinar Follow-up

April 27, 2010 5 comments

Two  weeks ago I spoke on a webinar hosted by SpringCM.  My presentation focused on how to take a structured and methodical approach to defining and executing an ECM strategy. You can download the slides I used slides below, and/or if you prefer listen to the recorded webinar here. ECM Strategy Development View more presentations […]

Q&A: Extending SharePoint in the Cloud Webinar

March 15, 2010 6 comments

On February 23, 2010, I was a featured speaker on the SpringCM webinar entitled “Making SharePoint Work.”  The slides from the presentation can be found here. SharePoint Extending into the Cloud View more presentations from Carl Frappaolo. Additionally you can listen to the archive of the webinar. In the webinar, I reference a survey and […]

IA Webinar: Real-time Working with Collaboration

March 2, 2010 4 comments

Collaboration – it’s all the rage, and to some it is “new.” Yet for any project, whether it is assembling a sales proposal in response to a Request For Proposals (RFP), to the collaboration and coordination necessary to build an aircraft carrier, or any size or style of collaboration in between, there are several questions […]

Content Security and Knowledge Management “D’oh”

January 18, 2010 1 comment

OK, I admit it. I do not spend all my weekends sitting around thinking deep ECM and KM thoughts. I enjoy hanging out with the kids and indulging in some mindless TV watching.  Its amazing though how the KM/ECM geek in me will sometimes connect the two – mindless TV and ECM/KM that is. Last […]

Making Blogs More Transparent Angers Bloggers – Huh?

December 1, 2009 8 comments

An article in today’s Boston Globe, reports that a new regulation will compel bloggers to disclose any affiliations or gifts they have received. As Web 2.0 matures, it will be more regulated. This is an issue I have blogged and spoken about many times before.  But what makes this article even more interesting to me […]

Strategy – Down from the Clouds

August 18, 2009 2 comments

Arguably there is no important time than NOW to ensure that your organization has an innovation strategy. After all, without a strategy, how are you going to making the changes to your business that you need to make, in order to survive the economic storm, and (if you move quickly and intelligently) to be well […]

IAM Talking: Scaling SharePoint Deployments… and Surviving

May 8, 2009 4 comments

There is a phenomenon in the content management world called SharePoint, which, like it or not, has really changed the level of awareness of electronic content concerns in businesses today. While SharePoint has nearly made content management a commonplace term in organizations, it’s not as though SharePoint or any other solution is perfect. To a […]

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“I was in a couple of Dan's sessions at the Boston AIIM Expo. I was inspired with the social networking for business. Frankly, I have been ignoring it, but now plan on getting my LinkedIn updated and other social resources ready to transfer into the business! Dan is a wealth of information on the subject. His depth of knowledge shows in his presentations.”
by Mark Carlson, Director of IT Systems & Methods, Inc


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