Tag Archive | "disruptive innovation"

IAM Talking: Taking Open Innovation to a Global Organization – With Jon Bidwell, Chief Innovation Officer for Chubb & Son

August 2, 2010 2 comments

Welcome to IAM Talking, a periodic podcast interview series, with your host, Dan Keldsen, Co-founder and Principal Consultant at Information Architected, Inc. (IAI). Today, the topic is Taking Open Innovation to a Global Organization. In this episode, I am interviewing Jon Bidwell, the Chief Innovation Officer for Chubb & Son. Mr. Bidwell is currently responsible […]

IAM Talking: Business Model Innovation – White Space and You – With Mark Johnson, Author of Seizing the White Space

May 14, 2010 3 comments

Welcome to IAM Talking, a periodic podcast interview series, with your host, Dan Keldsen, Co-founder and Principal at Information Architected. Today, the topic is Business Model Innovation – White Space and You. In this episode, I am interviewing Mark Johnson, the author of a new book, Seizing the White Space: Business Model Innovation for Growth […]

Disruptive Innovations – E-Brazil vs Paper USA

April 6, 2010 No comments yet

The Harvard Business Review’s Daily Stat for Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 highlights a disruptive innovation in, of all things, census-taking. It’s the battle against paper and electronic, and guess who leads the race? According to the HBR Daily Stat (and the original source, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística): It’s a national census of hundreds […]

Meet Your Mobile Virtual Assistant

March 24, 2010 1 comment

The Content Convergence Continues! As computing power increases, “mashable” and findable data/content grows, GPS shrinks, partnerships and individual innovation explore, and it all comes together in the form of a handheld device like the iPhone, Blackberry, and myriad Androids being rolled out on a weekly basis, we continue to see the rise of applications that […]

Innovation: Perspective Matters, But Many Simply Lack Vision

March 10, 2010 2 comments

Recently both BusinessWeek and Fast Company published their respective 50 most innovative companies list.  I have “mashedup” both lists in the chart below and edited the lists a bit. (Where there is overlap I indicate the difference in ranking order between lists.)  There was much to garner from these lists, beyond the corporate rankings individually. […]

Innovation is Not Serendipity or Discovery

October 5, 2009 1 comment

Last Friday’s cover of the Boston Metro proclaimed “ How recession is forcing creativity in entertainment.” It’s an interesting article on how the current economy mixed with the advent of Web 2.0 is affecting the entertainment industry, but the title held a different appeal for me. Serendipitously, I am working on IAI’s soon to be […]

ECM – “It Was The Best of Times, It Was The Worst of Times”

May 20, 2009 2 comments

Those that know me, as well as loyal readers of this blog, know that I am an ECM zealot – some say a nerd. So perhaps this post is just another ranting – but I felt compelled to reiterate myself because of certain current events. I entitle this post with a familiar quote from Charles […]

IAM Talking: Death to the Billable Hour, Long Live Knowledge!

April 30, 2009 12 comments

Is the legal industry ready to change their standard practices in billing, particularly given the economic climate of 2008-2009 and at least the short-term future? If they do change that model, will it least, or go back to “business as usual” when the economic smoke has cleared? Knowledge = precedent = expertise. Why not efficiency […]

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“Plain and simply, Dan gets it! ... He has often challenged me to continually think of what's next throughout his various columns and articles. A day to read Dan's thoughts and share in conversation is a most certainly a good day. I recommend Dan without reservation, as he offers keen insights and welcomes open conversation.”
by Ken Stewart, Creator and Author ChangeForge


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