Tag Archive | "ONA Training"

Using Organizational Network Analysis (ONA)

August 7, 2012 2 comments

Featured post by Information Architected Consulting Partner, Patti Anklam. Organizational network analysis (ONA) uses a subset of methods developed for social network analysis (SNA), a methodology for collecting information about connections among entities (usually people), developing visual representations of the relationships of those connections and applying mathematical analyses to understand patterns and derive insights. ONA […]

Leadership and Networks

January 4, 2011 1 comment

Editor’s Note: This post is a featured guest post by one of our IAI University Partners, Patti Anklam of Net Work. In the concluding chapter of my book, Net Work, I focused on “The Leader’s Net Work.”  From reading about and talking to leaders of networks, I arrived at the following set of prescriptions: Network […]

Link, Look, Learn – at Social Objects

September 24, 2010 1 comment

Editor’s Note: This post is a featured guest post by one of our IAI University Partners, Patti Anklam of Net Work. A former Digital/Compaq colleague, Bob Fleischer sent me a link to Jyri Engeström’s blog entry, Why some social network services work and others don’t — Or: the case for object-centered sociality, which provides an interesting perspective on […]

Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Value Networks

September 8, 2010 1 comment

Editor’s Note: This post is a featured guest post by one of our IAI University Partners, Patti Anklam of Net Work. I was doing fact checking when writing Net Work and wanted to confirm the timeline for the work on intellectual capital and knowledge management. I discovered a short history of the idea of intellectual and its […]

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“During a week long "Proving Ground" for Information Architecture and Taxonomy, Dan added delightful perspectives from his incredibly diverse knowledge to help illustrate the classic techniques and lighten the rather dry science of IA. In the classes and workshops I learned that formality and formula are a first step and beyond that it is about context and connecting ideas. The Proving Ground experience has helped me in several ECM, information management, and data governance projects. Since the class I’ve followed Dan's blogs and podcasts that prove he is a master at connecting the science to the art, and knows how to get to the heart of managing enterprise content and knowledge.”
by Jeffrey Weiss, Senior Technology Consultant Russell Investments


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