Tag Archive | "teaming"

IAM Talking with Dan Pink: Here’s Johnny!

September 14, 2009 1 comment

While much of the work that we do is focused on the application of technology to business workers, we’ll depart from that theme in this interview, to address issues around personal development, team-based working, and the “strengths movement” coming out of Positive Psychology – along with the re-invention of the publishing industry in the form […]

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“Dan has a great grasp of business innovation...what it is, what it isn't, and what it takes to drive it. He understands the difference between innovation (process and capability) and innovations (events). His insight comes from his professional experience and from his curiosity, caputured in his blogs and podcast interviews with thinkers on the subject. In other words, he knows how to ask the right questions.”
by Matthew E. May, Owner Aevitas Learning


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