Survey: Who’s Using TRIZ (and Why)?

The Context

I first ran across TRIZ in the course of a very deep dive into Innovation while I was with Delphi Group, and as we were re-branded as the strategic arm of the Innovation Labs of Perot Systems in 2006.

TRIZ was the first formalized thinking method and “toolkit” that I was exposed to, early on in that research, and one of my first research interviewees on the topic, was my now business partner in, Dr. Ellen Domb.

I have a certain amount of frustration with TRIZ. Even thought I was immediately drawn to TRIZ, and apply aspects of TRIZ to the “white collar knowledge work” that makes up the majority of my professional career, that is not where TRIZ has (so far) found the richest soil.

So the quest in this survey is to uncover what the roots of TRIZ are – not in the historical sense of coming from Genrich Altshuller’s initial work over 60 years ago – but in what the *practical* roots are of *your* use of TRIZ.

What would you do without TRIZ, now that you know it?

What about TRIZ, whether the tools, techniques, marketing, presentation, etc. would you improve in order to make it that much more accessible and widely used?

In my estimation, TRIZ (by any name) represents one of the richest thinking toolkits available. If that’s true – why don’t more people know about these tools, yet alone use them everyday?

Have 3 Minutes?

So, with that back-drop, if you could take a few minutes and follow the link to the survey below, we would greatly appreciate your insights. We will be using this information in order to give back to the TRIZ and Innovation community, what we’ve uncovered as far as the underlying values of TRIZ in day-to-day work, and as warranted, to revise and expand (potentially) the courses we offer via

Thanks in advance, and if there is anything I can do to help you with your Innovation Management strategy, give a call at 855-GO-INNOVATE (855-464-6668) or 617-933-9655 or e-mail dk[at]informationarchitected[dot]com.

Dan Keldsen
Chief Innovation Officer of Information Architected, Inc.


This Way to the TRIZ Survey!

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