Tag Archive | "Content Security"

Is There Garbage Floating in Your Ocean of Knowledge? Reader Beware

July 12, 2010 17 comments

It has been weeks since I blogged, or even Tweeted on a regular basis. Where have I been?  Dan and I are on the road, consulting on a very complex, grand and most interesting ECM project.  A Fortune 100 company that remains successful and growing in spite of the economy, has managed to achieve such […]

Making Blogs More Transparent Angers Bloggers – Huh?

December 1, 2009 8 comments

An article in today’s Boston Globe, reports that a new regulation will compel bloggers to disclose any affiliations or gifts they have received. As Web 2.0 matures, it will be more regulated. This is an issue I have blogged and spoken about many times before.  But what makes this article even more interesting to me […]

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“I have really enjoyed working with Dan on several recent projects. I find Dan is very insightful with a great perspective on technology and the industry. I also enjoyed the intellectual conversations that allowed both of us to challenge the boundaries of today's realities against the possibilities of tomorrow.”
by Bob Larrivee, Director and Industry Advisor AIIM International


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