A quick post as we head into the Holiday Season… whether for work or for play, perhaps it’s time to move onto the tablet revolution for your content consumption. Take for example… Taking Digital Content to an Extreme Once you’ve begun to make the journey into digital content, or electronic content, do you start to […]
Even if you are not a techie or ECMer, it would have been hard to miss all the marketing and press that has surrounded the iPad lately. Numerous articles have weighed in on whether or not Apple will be a success both long and short term, what this means to Amazon, etc. Relevant? yes. Interesting? […]
The Harvard Business Review’s Daily Stat for Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 highlights a disruptive innovation in, of all things, census-taking. It’s the battle against paper and electronic, and guess who leads the race? According to the HBR Daily Stat (and the original source, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística): It’s a national census of hundreds […]