Tag Archive | "Podcast"

IAM Talking with Dan Pink: Here’s Johnny!

September 14, 2009 1 comment

While much of the work that we do is focused on the application of technology to business workers, we’ll depart from that theme in this interview, to address issues around personal development, team-based working, and the “strengths movement” coming out of Positive Psychology – along with the re-invention of the publishing industry in the form […]

IAM Talking with Cisco: Making Innovation Work in a Downturn

August 12, 2009 5 comments

In this latest podcast, IAM Talking with Carlos Dominguez, Senior Vice President in Cisco’s Office of the Chairman of the Board and CEO. Carlos has worked at Cisco for 17 years in a variety of roles, and advocates for the broad and creative use of technologies that are transforming how companies do business, creating distinct […]

IAM Talking: The Evolution of User Experience

April 15, 2009 8 comments

Usability, User Experience, Experience Design, Lab Testing, Qualitative Testing, Quantitative Testing – there has been a long evolutionary path of skills, tools and concerns relating to delivering an experience for customers, employees, partners, or in short, ANYONE using software interfaces. The vast majority of organizations have not even begun to seriously address these concerns however […]

IAM Talking: It’s 2009, Are you Agile?

April 7, 2009 6 comments

It’s the Year 2009, and the idea of Agile Software Development or variations such as Scrum, Extreme Programming, or pre-cursors such as Rapid Application Development have been around for two decades or more. Why is it that many businesses are still developing or buying software systems such as enterprise content management, portals, search engines, intranet, […]

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“Dan is an awesome analyst who has true understanding of many deep and broad technology and business issues faced in today's web. Briefing him on innovation was fun and easy. Getting advice from him was very informative and insightful. We did a podcast together and he was a pro as the host!!!”
by Jack Jia, Chairman & CEO Baynote


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