IAM Talking with Dan Pink: Here’s Johnny!

IAM Talking with Bestselling Author Dan PinkWhile much of the work that we do is focused on the application of technology to business workers, we’ll depart from that theme in this interview, to address issues around personal development, team-based working, and the “strengths movement” coming out of Positive Psychology – along with the re-invention of the publishing industry in the form of Manga-style books, blogs, twitter, and more.

The interview today with best-selling author Dan Pink, who you may know from his books Free Agent Nation, A Whole New Mind, or the topic of today’s conversation, The Adventures of Johnny Bunko.

While there are 6 major points covered in the Business Manga Novel “The Adventures of Johnny Bunko”  – we hone in on two of the six that I had felt were the most important to the conversations I have with my clients the and work that I do.

Those are:

  1. Think strengths, not weaknesses
  2. It’s not about you

We discuss how the implications of this book are most certainly useful for individuals to focus on their own careers and growth paths, but how the larger ramifications of fully engaging in these behaviors is at the root of what seem to be the complete OPPOSITE of these ideals – as embodied in the big, slow-moving, and currently floundering automotive and airline industries.

As always, a brief discussion as to what Twitter means to Dan in his work as an author and speaker, and a bit of a diversion on crowdsourcing efforts that Dan and his publisher used in order to uncover the prize-winning 7th secret piece of career advice, out of field of over one thousand entries, as narrowed by Dan, and ultimately, chosen by the crowd.

Any and all feedback welcomed – and if you have an innovation story that needs to be shared, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, either by commenting, or contacting me directly – dk[at]informationArchitected[dot]com or 617-933-9655.

Dan Pink can be found on Twitter as @danielpink, and as always, I’m @dankeldsen .

Is your Information Architected for Innovation? for Collaboration? to leverage the strengths of the workers and teams within the organization?

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“I was in a couple of Dan's sessions at the Boston AIIM Expo. I was inspired with the social networking for business. Frankly, I have been ignoring it, but now plan on getting my LinkedIn updated and other social resources ready to transfer into the business! Dan is a wealth of information on the subject. His depth of knowledge shows in his presentations.”
by Mark Carlson, Director of IT Systems & Methods, Inc


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