Enterprise 2.0 Primers


Enterprise 2.0 is a rich topic, still being actively defined by the many people and organizations taking an active role in defining and implementing Enterprise 2.0.

To break the topic of Enterprise 2.0 into areas that fit the typical conversations that we are involved in, we have made 3 separate but related Enterprise 2.0 Primers available.

Enter the topic from any point.

Enterprise 2.0 Primer Part 1: Definitions, Concepts and Structures

(A 6 page introduction to Enterprise 2.0)

This paper is the first part of a three part primer on Enterprise 2.0.  In Part 1, a definition of Enterprise 2.0 is established, as well as the basic functional concepts it embodies.


Enterprise 2.0 Primer – Part 2: Technology Complements and Alternatives

(An 11 page overview of Enterprise 2.0 technologies and other related technologies)

This paper is the second part of a three part primer on Enterpirse 2.0.  In Part 2, Enterprise 2.0 technologies is examined from a technology perspective.  Each of the Enterpirse 2.0 technologies is introduced and its specific functionality defined.  Additionally, other technologies that complement and augment the Enterpirse 2.0 technologies are also reviewedm with a focus on their value proposition within an Enterpirse 2.0 setting.

Enterprise 2.0 Primer – Part 3: Developing an Enterprise 2.0 Strategy


(A 9 page introduction into the issues that go into developing a strategy for the deployment of Enterprise 2.0 in your organization)

This paper is the third part of a three part primer on Enterprise 2.0.  In Part 3 the challenges that go into developing a strategic deployment of Enterprise 2.0 are discussed. Part 3 includes a basic framework and methodology for determining the best approach to deployment in your organization.

All of the Enterprise 2.0 Primers are a free download.

These primers are a free download.

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“Dan has a great grasp of business innovation...what it is, what it isn't, and what it takes to drive it. He understands the difference between innovation (process and capability) and innovations (events). His insight comes from his professional experience and from his curiosity, caputured in his blogs and podcast interviews with thinkers on the subject. In other words, he knows how to ask the right questions.”
by Matthew E. May, Owner Aevitas Learning


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