Tag Archive | "customer engagement"

IAM Talking: Loyalty, Engagement and the Game of Mobile with Scott Weller from SessionM

August 21, 2012 No comments yet

Today, the topic is about Loyalty, Customer Engagement and the Game of Mobile. Welcome to IAM Talking, a periodic podcast interview series, with your host, Dan Keldsen, Chief Innovation Officer at Information Architected. Today IAM Talking with Scott Weller, co-founder and CTO of SessionM. Gamification, game mechanics, compulsion loops, loyalty systems, engagement loops… What’s the […]

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“Dan is an awesome analyst who has true understanding of many deep and broad technology and business issues faced in today's web. Briefing him on innovation was fun and easy. Getting advice from him was very informative and insightful. We did a podcast together and he was a pro as the host!!!”
by Jack Jia, Chairman & CEO Baynote


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