Information Architected for… Knowledge Management

KM is not a technology or an off the shelf solution, it’s about building an ecosystem comprised of business strategy, information technology, corporate culture, and business processes in order to translate intellectual capital into bottom-line profitability.

Although many have failed, many have also succeeded in leveraging KM to:

  • Minimize the impact of “brain drain” from a graying workforce
  • Increase collaboration and the re-use of intellectual property
  • Decrease Time To Market (TTM)
  • Increase responsiveness to customers
  • Drive bottom-line profitability

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“Dan conducted a workshop on taxonomy development and maintenance and I found him to very knowledgeable about the subject. He was able to use real world examples to help his audience understand the concepts he was trying to convey.”
by Alan Slutsky, Senior Systems Engineer Inxight Software


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