Innovation Management Webinar: Perception Outpaces Reality (Archive)

Innovation Management: Perception Outpaces Reality (webinar title slide)Innovation Management: Perception Outpaces Reality

This archive (below) is the companion to a whitepaper with further detail on the topic of Innovation Management. (Sign up for access to both the whitepaper, this webinar archive, and more, on Innovation Management)

Data presented includes:

  • Responses from 182 individuals representing organizations across industry and around the globe
  • Criticality of “How Important is Innovation to the Success of Your Organization?”
  • Insights into Innovation Ownership – “My Organization has a Team or Department Specifically Managing and/or Promoting Innovation”
  • The Impact of the Economy on Innovation – “The Current Economic Crisis Has
 Caused an Increase in the 
Importance of Innovation in My Organization”
  • How long organization’s have pursued Innovation – “How Long Has This Innovation Team Been in Existence?”
  • Whether Innovation is Managed? – “My Organization Believes that Innovation Should be Managed as a Corporate Resource and Process”
  • The Biggest Impediments to Innovation Management
  • Whether Disruptive Innovation is the only Innovation Needed or Wanted
  • Role of Serendipity/Discovery in Innovation
  • And more…

The Innovation Core

Innovation has often been positioned at the very core of business success.

Peter Drucker asserted that it was one of only two functions required of business.

While the relationship and importance of innovation to business is not new, there has been renewed interest in the topic and the criticality of it to business.

“Business has only two functions — marketing and innovation” – Peter Drucker

Organizations are being challenged to re-think how innovation is managed by advances in technology and collaboration. Vinton Cerf, “the father of the internet”, stated it succinctly, “By placing intelligence at the edges rather than control in the middle of the network, the Internet has created a platform for innovation.”

Most recently, the Obama administration has positioned innovation not only as a requirement for business success, but also as a critical component to economic recovery for an entire nation.

“The United States led the world’s economies in the 20th Century because we led the world in innovation.
Today, the competition is keener; the challenge is tougher; and that is why innovation is more important than ever.” – President Barack Obama

Management in Action

Despite the lofty esteem and attention paid to innovation, for many organizations it is unfortunately managed as nothing more than the elusive holy grail – a noble goal that is poorly understood, often not proactively managed, relegated to a few and left to serendipity and discovery.

Innovation is not managed as a process, and organizations fail to purposely leverage technology in order to facilitate, promote and accelerate innovation.

In this webinar, Information Architected takes a hard look at the state of the market, as measured by the experiences and opinions of 182 individuals representing organizations across industry and around the globe.

This Information Architected Webinar provides an in-depth look into the management practices and processes used for Innovation Management.

This Information Architected (IA) Webinar (a $195 value) is made available for archived viewing at no cost.

View the archive below:

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“Dan has a great grasp of business innovation...what it is, what it isn't, and what it takes to drive it. He understands the difference between innovation (process and capability) and innovations (events). His insight comes from his professional experience and from his curiosity, caputured in his blogs and podcast interviews with thinkers on the subject. In other words, he knows how to ask the right questions.”
by Matthew E. May, Owner Aevitas Learning


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