Innovation Management

All innovation begins with creative ideas … We define innovation as the successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization.
In this view, creativity by individuals and teams is a starting point for innovation; the first is necessary but not sufficient condition for the second – Harvard Business School Professor Teresa Amabile “Creativity in Context” Westview Press (1996, book)

Companies cannot grow through cost reduction and re-engineering alone … Innovation is the key element in providing aggressive top-line growth, and for increasing bottom-line results – Tony Davila, Marc J. Epstein and Robert Shelton “Making Innovation Work: How to Manage It, Measure It, and Profit from It” – Wharton School Publishing (2006, book)

Twenty years ago the challenge was quality. Ten years ago the challenge was re-engineering. Now it is strategy innovation – Author and Professor Gary Hamel “The Future of Management” Harvard Business School Press (2007, book)

The question is no longer whether  you or your co-workers can be innovative,  but when you will start to specifically address innovation as a sustainable process and make it a part of the DNA of your business.

Diagnosing the problem is one aspect

  • Tools such as Lean, TQM and Six Sigma established a new capability to DIAGNOSE problems.

Curing the problem is another entirely

  • Innovation management allows you to apply the same rigor to SOLVING problems,  creating new opportunities, and bringing those opportunities to market.

Organizations are using Innovation Management to:

  • Increase the emergence of new ideas
  • Increase the quality of vetted ideas
  • Effectively establish innovation team
  • Maximize each employee’s ability to innovate

Innovation should be driven from the top-down and be the responsibility of every corporate employee. Innovation can become a managed and predictable process in your organization, if you know how.

How is Innovation done in 2009?

How we can help

  • Do you need to establish innovation as a best practice in your organization, to create a reliable and predictable approach to innovation?
  • Is innovation too often relegated to a choice few, or accidental discoveries?
  • Do you see any value in having tools, techniques and methods to understand your innovation pipeline, and where you’re falling short?
  • Are ideas only generated in a panic mode, causing your innovation pipeline to remain empty more often than not?
  • Do you need to turn your employees into world-class innovators?

If you answer Yes to any of these questions – then Information Architected provide the assistance you need.

Our services include:

More on:Analysis - through market alerts, case studies, podcasts, presentations and whitepapers
More on:Consulting - strategy development specifically designed to maximize the effectiveness and ROI of innovation in your organization
More on:Training - ranging from half-day strategy briefings to multi-day capability assessments, innovation training, innovation profiling and innovation team creation

Our assistance ranges from education to the development of Innovation Management strategies tailored to the specific needs of your organization.

This includes:

  • Profiling  your employees’ individual approaches to innovation and collaboration
  • Establishing templates for building the most effective innovation teams in your organization
  • Integrating innovation into the day-to-day operations of your organization through the establishment of proven methodologies to drive idea generating, filtering and intelligent action.
  • Training your employees to be world-class innovators by instructing them on best practices and 8 individual tools and methodologies to drive innovation

Our approach to building innovation management as a competency in your organization ensures that your employees, individually and collectively, live up to their full innovation potential, by providing the framework and tools to manage innovation.

Regardless of where your company is on the innovation maturity curve, we can help you rapidly increase your innovation capabilities.

If you are tired of the unapproachable, expensive, “ivory tower” consultants and analysts of the world, the “futurists” and “talking heads” or the integrators who only promote the solution they happen to resell, we are the antidote to provide realistic, affordable and relevant strategic solutions for your business innovation needs.

Information Architected is open to
 Discuss, Debate, Consult and Educate your needs and concerns regarding innovation.

Contact us now to discuss your needs

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“@dankeldsen not just good, awesome! you have another subscriber! looking forward to listening to the latest podcast! thank you!”
by Alexander Kellett @zinf


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