Tag Archive | "Usability"

Is There Garbage Floating in Your Ocean of Knowledge? Reader Beware

July 12, 2010 17 comments

It has been weeks since I blogged, or even Tweeted on a regular basis. Where have I been?  Dan and I are on the road, consulting on a very complex, grand and most interesting ECM project.  A Fortune 100 company that remains successful and growing in spite of the economy, has managed to achieve such […]

IAM Alert: Present.ly Adds Microblogging for SharePoint

November 2, 2009 2 comments

Information Architected Market Alert (IAM Alert): Intridea announced today a new open source, free Web Part (an add-on for SharePoint) to embed Present.ly (Intridea’s enterprise microblogging offering) within SharePoint. (see press release and Intridea site) Enter Microblogging With the rise of Twitter in the consumer-facing world, has come the enterprise-facing versions of microblogging, with solutions […]

Getting Real (Close to) RealTime Collaboration

October 22, 2009 11 comments

The second wave of Google Wave invites (outside of the development community it was initially released to in May/June) has been zipping across the web in the last 10 days – with the 8 invites I’d waved on twitter being snapped in minutes, and similar pleas for Wave invites lighting up the trending topics on […]

IAM Talking: The Evolution of User Experience

April 15, 2009 8 comments

Usability, User Experience, Experience Design, Lab Testing, Qualitative Testing, Quantitative Testing – there has been a long evolutionary path of skills, tools and concerns relating to delivering an experience for customers, employees, partners, or in short, ANYONE using software interfaces. The vast majority of organizations have not even begun to seriously address these concerns however […]

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“@dankeldsen not just good, awesome! you have another subscriber! looking forward to listening to the latest podcast! thank you!”
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